Cécile Bally: The Price is Right – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Cécile Bally:
The Price is Right

The Price is Right
A study of the supermarket: a choreographic nightmare! Inside you can forget that you're not alone, or that you are. As an epicentre of accumulation, it is both a symbol of our consumer society, and a modern place of gathering and harvesting. It superficially unites but divides us by social class and lifestyle. In a dreamlike performance the supermarket is shown as room of standardization, which paradoxically wants to stimulate our impulsive cravings – an ideal survival zone and a last retreat between absurdity and apocalypse.
Cécile Bally graduated in dance and choreography at HZT Berlin (UDK). She also studied Economics and Management in France and wrote a master thesis in Decision Theory on how ideas emerge and develop in dance rehearsal processes. Her artistic work creates connections in between these two backgrounds and interrogates, with humour but always methodically, the place of rationality, magic, dream and knowledge in performance art. Her latest piece "The Sleep Of Reason" premiered 2017 at Tanztage.
CHOREOGRAPHY, STAGE Cécile Bally PERFORMANCE Asaf Aharonson, Cathy Walsh, Marie Ursin LIGHTDESIGN Eva Alonso SOUNDDESIGN Jassem Hindi COSTUME DESIGN Sara Wendt PRODUCTION, PR Ann-Christin Görtz SOCIAL MEDIA SUPPORT Jen Burba
A production by Cécile Bally in coproduction with SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds. With friendly support of Kunsten-centrumBUDA, Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V., Milchhof und Public in Private. Thanks to Kostüm Kollektiv. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung.
Cécile Bally is a Berlin-based choreographer and performer who graduated in dance and choreography at HZT Berlin, UDK. She previously studied Economics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Pantheon Sorbonne University in France. Her artistic work creates connections between these backgrounds and interrogates, with humour, the place of rationality and magical realism in performance. Cécile Bally roots her work in the science-fiction genre with an eye on social criticism, and therefore studies entitites (vampires, supermarkets), triggering dreams, and nightmares both utopian and dystopian.