Sophiensæle Sophiensæle

Unbestimmte Bewegung: daniel’s destruction – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 25/26
Dance theatre Ticket Premiere
Start: Kasse/Box office
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Start: Kasse/Box office
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Performance, Musical Concert, Exhibition Ticket
Performance, Musical Concert, Exhibition Ticket
Performance, Musical Concert, Exhibition Ticket

Unbestimmte Bewegung:
daniel’s destruction

Unbestimmte Bewegung:
daniel’s destruction
Duration: 1h 10 Min.
German with English surtitles


Ages 18 and up

08.02.: audience discussion after the showing

daniel's destruction deals with the actual death of a young man forced into sex work, his close social environment and the last weeks before his death from an overdose. An attitude to life between sex dates, intoxication and drug dealing is illuminated here from a vulnerable, self-critical inner perspective. The project is a snapshot of social conditions and gay life experiences in today's Berlin. daniel's destruction approaches a grieving process in the midst of stigma and shame.

The piece addresses various forms of violence, abuse and dependency, sexual fantasies of violence, addiction, co-dependency, death by overdose, mysogyny, illness and the discriminatory health system.

If you have any questions from the following information, please contact Stefanie Hauser at or 030 27 89 00 35.


  • Ca. 70 minutes without break


  • German spoken language with English subtitles
  • The play is very text-heavy.


  • The lighting mood is rather bright throughout
  • There are no abrupt light changes


  • There is a continuous backdrop of speech and music.
  • There are no sudden noises


  • There are three large video projections that are very close to the audience
  • The images sometimes change very quickly
  • There is a live camera that films into the audience in two places. The images are not buffered.
  • The audience can join a chat which is projected.
  • Seated grandstand
  • 2 beanbag seats bookable subject to availability
  • 2 wheelchair spaces bookable subject to availability

Early boarding

  • There will be a long admission.


  • Reservations can be made via the ticket telephone at 030 283 52 66, Monday to Friday from 4pm-6pm
  • Via the online ticket shop
  • At the box office

You can also find more information about accessibility at the house here.

Direction: Yannik Böhmer
Text: Nicolaas van Diepen
Version, Dramaturgy: Elena Kaufmann
Performance: Nicolaas van Diepen, Shlomi Moto Wagner, Tim-Fabian Hoffmann
Music: Erik Leuthäuser, Shlomi Moto Wagner

A production of Unbestimmte Bewegung in co-production with Sophiensæle. Supported by the district of Mitte and Akademie der Künste. Media partners: Missy MagazineSiegessäuletaz.

The unbestimmte bewegung is an association of artists from various disciplines that deals with marginalized social spaces. The aim is to give a voice to the indeterminate and thus shed light on often overlooked social moments - without wanting to resolve their ambiguity.

Elena Kaufmann, *1992, is an author and freelance dramaturge and lives in Berlin.

Nicolaas van Diepen (*1990) is a freelance actor and poet. He lives and works in Berlin and Vienna.

Erik Leuthäuser (*1996) is a singer and composer of jazz and experimental pop. He lives in Berlin.

Shlomi Moto Wagner is an interdisciplinary performer, opera singer, songwriter and drag queen aka. Mazy Mazeltov. They live in Berlin.

Tim-Fabian Hoffmann (*1987) is a freelance actor for theater, film & television. He lives in Cologne.

Yannik Böhmer (*1992) is a theater director, video and multimedia artist. He lives in Zurich and is a fellow at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin.

© unbestimmte bewegung
Premiere Ticket