Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Flinn Works: White Money – Sophiensæle | Freies Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Flinn Works: White Money

Flinn Works: White Money

NOVEMBER 17 18 19 20


Flinn Works in collaboration with six international artists is tackling the theme of White Money in performances and installations. White money flows from the arts funding bodies in Europe. It funds artists in the Global South or commissions work from artists in the Global South to be presented in the Global North. Often this white funding is an economic incentive to create or to perform work catered to the taste of the funders and curators, to present orientalist or exotic images of 'other' bodies and to re-shape or simplify complex content for a white audience. White money therefore shapes or reinforces inequalities and re-iterates racist and neo-colonial structures. 

Flinn Works, like all art professionals who work across the invisible borders of Global North and Global South are deeply entangled in this structure. With a group of six artists and curators from different parts of the world, the project sheds light on some hidden aspects of white money: Aderemi Adegbite invents and inaugurates the first Nigerian Cultural Institute of Yoruba Culture at Sophiensaele. Anuja Ghosalkar reflects on the complicated ethics and harsh economies of working as an artist in India. Rehema Chachage shreds a heap of rejected funding applications and manually transforms them into something radically new. Abhishek Thapar takes the audience on an intimate and speculative journey through their bank accounts, minds and hearts. Azade Shahmiri’s lecture performance shows representations of the West in Iranian plays and poses questions of the past to the present. Nora Amin sheds light on the history of so called 'belly dance' in her solo, wrestling the danceform from the exoticized and voyeuristic gaze to an empowered expression of the dancer.

White Money as a project also seeks to stretch the boundaries of German funding regulations - by letting participating artists decide on how to spend the money. Because this project is also funded by white money.

CREATED BY Aderemi Adegbite, Nora Amin, Rehema Chachage, Anuja Ghosalkar, Konradin Kunze, Abhishek Thapar, Azade Shahmiri, Sophia Stepf PROJECT ASSISTANT Elisabeth Mascha LAB ASSISTANT Johanna Weisheit TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Timo Block PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Drittmittel Produktionen 

A production by Flinn Works in co-production with SOPHIENSAELE. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. In cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Policy at the University of Hildesheim. Media partner: taz.die tageszeitung.

PR pic_Flinn works_white money_credit_Aderemi Adegbite & Konradin Kunze HP
Aderemi Adegbite & Konradin Kunze