Tanz im August 2024 – Sophiensæle | Freies Theater in Berlin
Tanz im August 2024
36. Internationales Festival Berlin
Tanz im August is coming with three productions to the Sophiensæle this year!
What would a world look like in which differences were honoured, relationships nurtured, and bonds of solidarity transcend the barriers of war, culture, and geography? This year’s edition of Tanz im August, presented by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, is not just a map of the world as it is, but a compass guiding us toward the world as it could be. You are invited to immerse yourself and experience how creations, traditions, and stories intersect, leading to vibrant forms of expression.
Artistic Director: Ricardo Carmona
Executive Producer: Festival Stefan Nagel
Production & Dramaturgy: Alina Lauer
Production and team assistance: Luzie Barzen
Production: Mascha Euchner-Martinez
Technical director festival: Ingo Ruggenthaler
Head of communication: Mutiara Berthold
Graphic design: Sonja Deffner, Jürgen Fehrmann
Texts: Micha Tsouloukidse
Editor: Lara Eikenbusch
Contract management: Eva-Karen Tittmann
Financial accounting: Dieter Walk
Ticketing & service: Simone Erlein, Christian Haase
Professionals management: Hannah Schillinger
Project management Big Pulse Dance Alliance: Eduardo Bonito
and the team of HAU Hebbel am Ufer