Sophiensæle Sophiensæle

An international Perspective – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 25/26
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Hands-On-Talk Free admission
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Dance theatre Ticket Premiere
Start: Kasse/Box office
Dance theatre Ticket
Dance theatre Ticket
Tanztheater für junges Publikum Ticket
Dance theatre Ticket
Get together Free admission
Start: Kasse/Box office
Dance, Performance Ticket
Talkshow, Performance Ticket
Dance, Performance Ticket
Talkshow, Performance Ticket
Concert performance & musical theatre Ticket
Concert performance & musical theatre Ticket

An international Perspective

An international Perspective
Auf English

The political instrumentalization of art or theatre is rarely discussed internationally with the same intensity as in Germany. This is in part because here, financial support for artistic work without a social component is rare. As a result, artists develop creative strategies for dealing with these constraints. These range from the relatively faithful realization of a social mandate to subversive reversals of the intended societal duty. International artists will discuss in a plenary session and present their projects, concepts and strategies during table dialogues.

WITH Ananda Breed (Youth Theatre for Peace, Kirgistan), Lorena Méndez Barrios (Gefängnistheater in Mexico City), Bayan Shbib (Theater in Palästina), Ioanna Valsamidou (Theater in Athen), Jens Vilela Neumann (Theater in Angola, Mosambique und Simbabwe)

PANEL DISCUSSION with the guests IMPULS Julius Heinicke (FU Berlin) MODERATION Kristin Flade, Janina Möbius (beide FU Berlin)

Organized by the research project The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre  (European Research Coucnil), Institute for Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
