Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Ayivi, Kellermann, Kremberg, Pérez: Wo genau liegt nochmal Togo? – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Ayivi, Kellermann, Kremberg, Pérez:
Wo genau liegt nochmal Togo?

Ayivi, Kellermann, Kremberg, Pérez:
Wo genau liegt nochmal Togo?

What has established itself in our daily life as the racist imagery, dialogue and projection of colonialism? Based on the German-Togolese history, Ayivi, Kellermann, Kremberg and Pérez examine colonialism. They refer to German colonial violence as something that is not to be spoken about and they strictly avoid what is supposed to be known. Is it possible to truthfully remember within the realm of theater?

The format of Making Of#, was specifically designed for the grant project Flausen - young artists in residence of the Theater Wrede + in Oldenburg. The idea and the creative process are at the forefront. A finished product will not be shown, but rather the journey to it.

>> DOUBLE ticket WITH Kosa la Vita 14/9 EurO

BY AND WITH Simone Dede Ayivi, Katharina Kellermann, Juliane Kremberg, Anahi Pérez

A collaboration of theater wrede + and SOPHIENSÆLE. Made possible thanks to flausen-young artists in residence, a scholarship project of theater wrede +. With friendly support of Land Niedersachsen, Stiftung Niedersachsen, EWE-Stiftung, Stadt Oldenburg, Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. and Rudolf Augstein Stiftung. Special thanks to our medie partner taz.die tageszeitung.
