Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Henrike Iglesias: Oh My – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Henrike Iglesias:
Oh My

Henrike Iglesias:
Oh My
Suitable for English Speakers

Welcome to the feminist porno film set! After Henrike Iglesias explored all the crevices and corners of the productive power of destruction in GRRRRRL, they now experiment with pornography as an empowerment strategy. They are embarking upon a journey to reclaim their sexualities and proceed on a search for alternative, queer, feminist, rowdy, devious, stunning images to covet themselves. In the process they question taboos and shame with the goal of proudly living in their own bodies. All can come. But no one has to come.

ConCept, Text, Performance Henrike Iglesias (Anna Fries, Laura Naumann, Marielle Schavan, Sophia Schroth) LiGht design, Video Eva G. Alonso MUSIC, Sound design Malu Peeters COSTUMES Mascha Mihoa Bischoff ProduCtion ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro

A production by Henrike Iglesias in coproduction with FFT Düsseldorf, Münchner Kammerspiele, ROXY Birsfelden and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund and the Fachausschuss Basel. media partner: taz.die tageszeitung

HENRIKE IGLESIAS understand pop cultural and mass media phenomena as a mirror of societal attitudes and grievances, and love to explore them from queer and feminist perspectives. Based in Berlin and Basel , they make experimental performances. The permanent crew includes Anna Fries, Eva G. Alonso, Malu Peeters, Marielle Schavan and Sophia Schroth. Their performances are primarily housed in the Sophiensælen and have also been invited to imagetanz Vienna, the Heidelberg Stückemarkt, the FIBA Festival in Buenos Aires, the digital Showcase of the Theatertreffen and Politik im Freien Theater, among others.

© Anna Fries