Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Internationale Tagung: ÜberReste. Strategien des Bleibens in den Darstellenden Künsten – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Internationale Tagung:
ÜberReste. Strategien des Bleibens in den Darstellenden Künsten

Internationale Tagung:
ÜberReste. Strategien des Bleibens in den Darstellenden Künsten
Deutsch + Englisch

International Conference

On Remnants and Vestiges. Strategies of Remaining in the Performing Arts

Based on leftovers from dance, performance and opera, the eponymous research project turns the fleeting notion of performance art on its head. The conference examines that which remains: with the material structure of relics, functioning as documentation of past events and with their implementations. What kind of consequences does such a perspective have on dance and theater studies? And what happens when the leftover materials get recycled in the realm of arts?

In the course of the conference from April 27th to May 1st at 8 pm we present Visibile Undercurrent - New York - Berlin 1986-2014 by Peter Pleyer.



CONCEPTIONProf. Dr. Susanne Foellmer SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION Katharina Schmidt, Cornelia Schmitz ASSISTANCE Tong Mao, Karina Rocktäschel CONTRIBUTIONS BYSabine Bangert, Gabriele Brandstetter, Beatrice von Bismarck, Paul Clarke, Franz Anton Cramer, Hannah Dörr, Sigrid Gareis, Daniela Hahn, Nicole Haitzinger, Ulrike Hanstein, Alexandra Hennig, Joy Kristin Kalu, Bettina Knaup, André Lepecki, David Levin, Florian Malzacher, Christopher Morris, Lilo Nein, Peter Pleyer, Markus Rautzenberg, Sandra Umathum, Thilo Wittenbecher, Renate Wöhrer, Isa Wortelkamp

A project of Freie Universität Berlin. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
