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10178 Berlin-Mitte

Ist die deutsche Theaterwissenschaft (post)kolonial? | Mar 11 | SOPHIENSÆLE – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Ist die deutsche Theaterwissenschaft (post)kolonial?

Titel Theaterwissenschaft Postkolonial
Ist die deutsche Theaterwissenschaft (post)kolonial?
In German

The book is available for download as OpenAccess >>>hier

What does the call for a "decolonisation of the university" mean for German-language theatre studies? What might a post- or decolonial theatre studies look like? For far too long, art, activism and academia have been divided apart and postcolonial as well as decolonial theory have been added as theoretical considerations, if at all. The anthology "Theatre Studies Postcolonial/Decolonial" (“Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial/dekolonial”) claims to think them together by considering theoretical, such as historiographical, autoethnographical etc., considerations and practical actions, i.e. doing theatre and activism, as interdependent and intertwining objects. Reference is made to the knowledge productions of marginalised and racialised communities. 

Drawing on their own experiences in the academy, theatre and its institutions, and activism in art, science and politics, the editors Azadeh Sharifi and Lisa Skwirblies will discuss questions of institutional and methodological critique and resistant practices in art and science with Tahir Della and Olivia Hyunsin Kim, two contributors from the book, on this evening. The evening will be moderated by Aidan Riebensahm. 

AIDAN RIEBENSAHM ALIAS AIDAN LAVENDER writes, thinks and feels the way through creative processes in theatre and text. Recurring questions revolve around political power and vulnerability, as well as reflecting on one's own gaze within the framework of intersectional feminist discourses. As a facilitator, Aidan leads through discussion and show formats. Aidan moderates and translates texts from English to German. As dramaturge, Aidan accompanied Simone Dede Ayivi and those in her company in the making of Let's just be friends. The performance celebrated its premiere in October 2022 at the Sophiensaele in Berlin. In the break room and queer_ing creative writing group, aidan exchanges ideas about multilingual, appreciative and defiant writing and editing processes. 

TAHIR DELLA comes from Munich and lives in Berlin. Born in 1962, since 1986/87 activist in the Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (Black People in Germany Initiative) and since 2001 spokesperson for the ISD. The main focus of the work is on Germany's colonial past and its continuities, the further development of a critical culture of remembrance, campaigning on racist police violence and the dismantling of racist images and language policies in the media. In addition to being active at the ISD, is also a member of the board of the New German Organisations and Decolonize Berlin.

OLIVIA HYUNSIN KIM works internationally as a choreographer and curator. She won the first place of the Amadeu Antonio Art Prize 2019 and completed her MA in Choreography and Performance at the Institute for ATW Gießen with distinction. She was a scholarship holder at Impulstanz 2017, at the Goethe-Institut Montréal 2022, at the Kulturakademie Tarabya 2021-23, among others. Since the season 2022/23 she is composer-in-residence at the Staatsoper Hannover. Her work has been shown at the Sophiensælen Berlin, the Art Sonje Center Seoul and the Museo Universitario del Chopo Mexico City. Under the name DDANDDARAKIM she works in recurring constellations with artists from different disciplines on choreographic works with a queer-feminist and post-colonial focus.

DR. LISA SKWRIBLIES (she/her) is Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam and Postdoc at LMU Munich.

DR. AZADEH SHARIFI (she/her) is Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto.

Titel Theaterwissenschaft Postkolonial