Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Lea Sherin + Soraya Reichl & Ensemble: What the Hex?! | June 16-25 | SOPHIENSÆLE – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Lea Sherin + Soraya Reichl & Ensemble:
What the Hex?!

WhattheHex_Foto_David-Simon Groß
Lea Sherin + Soraya Reichl & Ensemble:
What the Hex?!
in German


Inspired by the “Take back the Night” demonstrations that have been taking place on Walpurgis Night since the 1970s, Lea Sherin and Soraya Reichl, together with an ensemble of teenage and young adult performers, embark on a search for forms of resistance against patriarchal and heteronormative power structures. They center the young participants perspective on the night – and the often exclusionary politics of pleasure and lust associated with it. The figure of the witch inspires them to ask: Who has always used the night as a site of resistance? What rituals were and are practiced under the protection of the night? And who is appropriating whose rituals today? In hidden places in Berlin's urban space, What the Hex?! invites you to a performative and interactive audio nightwalk. Together with the audience, the performers explore the allure of the night, re-enact various rituals, test utopias and conquer the night!

If any questions remain from the following information, please feel free to contact Hannah Aldinger at or 030 27 89 00 35. Please note that details may change by the day of the event. Therefore, if you find out after you have purchased your ticket that the performance is no longer accessible to you, you can contact us for a ticket return at or 030 27 89 00 45 until 5 business days after the event (Monday through Friday between 10am and 6pm).


  • 75 minutes


  • German spoken language


  • The audio walk takes place outside in the streets around the Sophiensaele. The starting point is in the Sophiensaele courtyard.


  • Street lighting outside
  • All performers carry a light source ( torch, head lamp, built in lamp in costume, reflectors on costume, etc.)
  • Some parts of the route are dimly lit.
  • The headphones for the audience have a glowing blue light.


  • At the beginning of the audio walk there is a sound check with the audience. Each person is given headphones and a receiver.
  • The volume of the audio signal can be adjusted independently via a rotary control on the receiver device.
  • Spoken language and music are transmitted via the headphones.
  • The audience can remove and put on the headphones at any time.


  • The Audiowalk starts in the Sophiensaele courtyard, then runs along the streets surrounding the Sophiensaele and ends in the Weinbergspark.
  • The condition of the paths and the ground alternates between: road/walking path, path lowerings, sandy gravel path, paths with gradients, wider and narrower paths, cobblestones, walking paths with joints in the ground.
  • In places, objects may be in the way (bicycles on lamp posts, etc.).
  • There is one person at the front and one at the back to keep track of the group. The people wear yellow high-visibility waistcoats.
  • At regular intervals, the performers give descriptions oft he route that usually include 3 stations. The participants can orientate themselves by the directions or alternatively by the group. The group is identifiable by glowing blue headphones.
  • For description oft he route back to the Sophiensaele, the technical evening service can be asked.


  • The performers interact with the audience. The audience is given instructions to act together. The implementation of the instructions is based on voluntariness.
  • The performers sometimes appear out of nowhere and ask the audience through the headphones to go certain ways, to sit down in a place of their choice or to stop.
  • During the audio walk there are different sections where sitting down/resting is possible: at the beginning (for 10 minutes), after about 15 minutes (for 5 minutes); after about 10 more minutes (for about 3 minutes); after another 20 minutes (for 5-10 minutes with a toilet option).
  • At regular intervals, the group gathers together.


  • Reservations can be made via the ticket telephone at 030 283 52 66, Monday to Friday from 4pm-6pm
  • Via the online ticket shop
  • At the box office

You can also find more information about accessibility here.

WITH Jules Alkanaan, Frederica Brinkmann, Viola Lucia Casciaro, Somi Dubuque, Franca Kalasse, Lea M. Krieger, Thanh Dung Nguyen, Antonia Nilling, Elina-Mariya Pantsyr, Pauline Utecht PROJECT MANAGEMENT Soraya Reichl, Lea Sherin SOUND, COMPOSITION Robin Plenio COOPERATION SOUND, COMPOSITION Thanh Dung Nguyen LIGHTING Ariana Battaglia COSTUME Roxanne Töpper

A production by Soraya Reichl and Lea Sherin in co-production with Bildungsteam Berlin-Brandenburg and SOPHIENSÆLE within the frame of Leisure & Pleasure, supported by the Capital Cultural Fund. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR. Media partners: Arts of the Working Class, Berlin Art Link, Kulturplakatierung, Missy Magazine, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz.die tageszeitung. 

SORAYA REICHL is a theater pedagogue, performer and educational consultant.
Her work focuses on the artistic and political empowerment of young actors. She has worked at the Maxim Gorki Theater, the Ballhaus Naunynstraße, the Theater an der Parkaue and the Sophiensæle.

LEA SHERIN is a theater pedagogue, dramaturge and performer and works in different contexts in the field of cultural and political education. In her artistic work she deals with power-critical and diversity-sensitive perspectives as well as empowerment.

WhattheHex_Foto_David-Simon Groß
David Simon Groß
Start im Hof
Start im Hof
Start im Hof
Start im Hof
Start im Hof
Start im Hof