LUCKY TRIMMER – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

With more than 600 applications worldwide per year and sold-out events LUCKY TRIMMER has outgrown the “insider tip” label and reached “cult event” status today. Spotlighting both emerging and established performing artists presenting works with a length of 10 minutes maximum, LUCKY TRIMMER represents a broad vision of what performing art and contemporary dance is today, encouraging performance-makers of all kinds to experiment, question, dare and most importantly, to dance.
The 20th edition showcases the newest, most exciting, craziest, saddest, smartest and many more-mosts short pieces from the national and international performing arts scene. No piece is like the other, nothing is as it was and all TRIMMERs are very LUCKY ...
That's how AUTUMN STORM goes!
Márta Ladjánszki (H), Hong Nguyen Thai + Lukas Steltner (D/BER), Harry Koushos (CY/GR), Bridie Gane (GB/BER), Philippe Rives (F/BER), Chiara Taviani + Carlo Massari (I), Meytal Blanaru (IL/B), Milena Ugren Koulas (CY)
Esthetically beautiful, sometimes hilarious or intriguing nevertheless always incredibly crafted, these pieces lead the spectators on an emotional journey and invite them to ponder on some of the crucial themes of modern times.
With their distinctive signatures Harry Koushos, Philippe Rives and Milena Ugren Koulas cast a critical eye on the concept of individual and collective power. Philippe Rives confronts us with the ultimate manifestation of power: the image of an atomic bomb exploding. Harry Koushos portrays the degradation of the individual consciousness under the realisation of dictatorial oppression while Milena Ugren Koulas, in her rhythmical, poetic and intense work, raises the question of gender issue and the social role of women in some patriarchal communities.
The line-up continues in the best LUCKY TRIMMER tradition of trying to be as versatile as possible. Bridie Gane hits a lighter tone with her simple take on the classic tap solo of the 30s and 40s in a struggling attempt to cheer us up. The surprising and twisted duet of Chiara Taviani and Carlo Massari demonstrates that suffering can sometimes take on unexpected turns. Meytal Blanaru is LUCKY again after her successful debut in LUCKY TRIMMER # 14 at Volksbühne im Prater. She now returns with a poetic and delicate search for authenticity inspired by the stories of Feral children who spent the first few years of their lives without any human contacts. The two Berliners Hong Nguyen Thai & Lukas Steltner mix urban roots of bboying with contemporary elements and Marta Ladjánszki, who stands out among the more abstract choreographers, exhibits her maturity with butohesque brio.
Once again be ready to to be blown away, amused or intrigued. Let your hair down, your inner child out and your imagination run wild - it'sLUCKY TRIMMER time!
Alongside the performances, the LUCKY TRIMMER e.V. organisers will bring together artists, programmers and other interested professionals for a LUCKY SUMMIT. In a casual and convivial atmosphere, the LUCKY SUMMIT provides an inspiring, open context for professionals to meet, share ideas and build new bridges. This time around, proposed discussion topics will be (1) the radically changing landscape of performing arts with a special focus on Berlin and Germany, and (2) the specific characteristics of the short format in regard to its artistic development as well as its distribution. The LUCKY SUMMIT # 5 will be held at the Studio LaborGras. Located since 2002 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, the LaborGras Collective operates as a research, production and performance venue for contemporary dance.
An event organised by LUCKY TRIMMER e.V. in collaboration with SOPHIENSÆLE. Supported by a network of private sponsors and helpers. Special thanks to the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, the Cultural Department of the embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Germany and to our media partners Berliner Fenster and taz.die tageszeitung.
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