Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Lucky Trimmer: Tanz Performance Serie #28 – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Lucky Trimmer:
Tanz Performance Serie #28

Arnon_Monreale©Victor Rottier_HP
Lucky Trimmer:
Tanz Performance Serie #28

For LUCKY TRIMMER’s ‘Sweet Sixteen’ edition we remain true to our penchant for creative diversity with a twist bringing distinctive artistic proposals to the Sophiensæle stage with a spotlight on excellence and ingenuity. From over three hundred international applications, eight hand-picked artists were chosen for their unique and compelling narratives in dance and performance and their ability to capture our hearts and minds in ten minutes or less. What better way to celebrate our sixteenth birthday than with a journey through the sensorial world of contemplation?  We bring you the aesthetic exuberance of neoclassical movement; the evocative power of hip-hop on the dark side, a eulogy to friendship; a tribute to the present; tormented bodies and last, but not least, balloons in various sizes. LUCKY TRIMMER Tanz Performance Serie #28 promises to be a treat for all fearless souls who love dance!

WITH Daniel Dominguez Teruel, Francesca Ruggerini, Equilibrio Dinamico Dance Company, Brandon Lagaert, Rebecca Margolick, Winston Ricardo Arnon and Pamela Monreale, Compagnia Bellanda, Mélanie Gobet

A performance by LUCKY TRIMMER e.V. in cooperation with SOPHIENSÆLE. With special thanks to our network of private supporters, volunteers and friends. Special thanks to Katarina Witt, Amy Stafford-Studio Blixa 6, Erhard Knote, bug&pug partners, dtb rechtsanwälte and Zander Catering. Media partners: Berliner Fenster, taz. die tageszeitung

  • Arnon_Monreale©Victor Rottier_HP
    © Victor Rottier
  • Francesca Ruggerini©Xavier Perez_HP
    © Xavier Perez
  • Equilibrio Dinamico©Clarissa Lapolla_HP
    © Clarissa Lapolla
  • Daniel DominguezTeruel©Laura Léglise_HP
    © Laura Léglise
  • Compagnia Bellanda©Nitzarindani Vega_HP
    © Nitzarindani Vega
  • Melanie Gobet©Marilyn de Polignac_HP
    © Marilyn de Polignac
  • Brandon Lagaert©Maarten Vanden Abeele_HP
    © Maarten Vanden Abeele
  • Rebecca Margolick©Vanessa Fortin_HP
    © Vanessa Fortin