Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Martin Nachbar: Unfinishing – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Martin Nachbar:

Martin Nachbar:
Suitable for English Speakers

Who doesn't know this: pending tasks and unanswered topics that settle into everday life and produce countless imaginary bodies with their very own relationships to the world?
In his new piece, Martin Nachbar works with the things that we are not quite done with: unfinished business from artistic projects as much as unsettled issues from life. But he is not mainly concerned with finally getting things done and finished. Instead, Nachbar is looking for translating the open questions and patterns into still open exercises and tasks. He will work on them in collaboration with drummer Steve Heather and designer Michiel Keuper, producing diverse, yet inter-related materials: overlapping rhythms in movement and music, layers of costumes that weave the hidden into the visible, actions that mix with words. Together, they will develop open loops, in which the repeated sequences and scenes constantly shift and change, creating ever new connections with other open loops. Eventually, the fascinating relations between past and present between the habitual and the new, reality and imagination, but also between body parts, bodies, people and things (such as drums or costumes) will emerge and become tangible. How can we communicate our imaginary and habitual bodies with their ideas, thoughts and phantasms? Which are the thematic, temporal and rhythmic relations we want to make visible and audible?

CHOREOGRAPHY Martin Nachbar MUSIC Steven Heather PERFORMANCE Steve Heather, Martin Nachbar DRAMATURGY Jeroen Peeters LIGHT Bruno Pocheron COSTUMES, MIS-EN-SCÈNE Michiel Keuper COMPANY MANAGEMENT Susanne Beyer

Produced by Martin Nachbar in co-production with FFT Düsseldorf and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by The mayor of Berlin – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten. In co-operation with Dock 11/Eden, Uferstudios, Milchhof and Wiesenburg e.V.
