Monster Truck: Regie 2 – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Monster Truck:
Regie 2
Regie 2
In their piece Regie (2014), Monster Truck handed over the reins of the stage to three people with Down Syndrome and ignited a hot topic of discussion regarding responsibility, authorship and production logic of the institution called ‘theater’. In Regie 2 the artist ensemble is taking the idea of transferring the reins of artistic responsibility to others to a whole new level. In a grand spectacle full of emotions, intoxicating music and amazing effects a theater is created which explodes with energy at its climax and irreversibly dissolves!
BY and with Marcel Bugiel, Manuel Gerst, Sahar Rahimi, Mark Schröppel, Ina Vera company management ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro
Produced by Monster Truck in co-production with No Limits Berlin and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. media partners: Jungle World, taz.die tageszeitung