Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Oozing Gloop: The Gloop Show – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Oozing Gloop:
The Gloop Show

Oozing Gloop:
The Gloop Show
Live Art
In English

The worlds leading autistic green drag queen Oozing Gloop explains the world to us and starts at the very beginning: With the letter A. Oozing takes us on a psycho-magical journey to the edges of what we think we know – and suddenly everything makes sense. Even the huge pickle jar she uses to explain democracy. In a dreamscape of gigantic vowels, handmade patchwork, masks and wigs, Oozing Gloop creates a survival guide for the 21st century.

IDEA, PERFORMANCE Oozing Gloop PRODUCER Catherine Hoffmann LIGHT Marty Langthorne ASSISTANT Moa Johansson Technician Casey Shortt

A production of Oozing Gloop in co-production with Steakhouse Live. Funded by The Arts Council England. With support from LADA, Duckie, Peformance Space, Norwich Arts Centre and The Marlborough Theatre. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung

Oozing Gloop is a transgressive drag savant who has completed 500 miles of queer pilgrimage through the co-ordinates of their unconscious. This was the furnace that melded six years of disappointing study with a sublime cabaret practice. Creating a provocative performance practice of queer spectacle exploring Awe; the awful, the awesome and the autistic. Her interdisciplinary practice seeks to put a very particular voice upon a powerful pedestal of the universal subject and seeks to make society assimilate her. In the same way as society expects him to assimilate it. Troublesome, camp and revolting.

  • gloopshow_buzzcut_april2019-26_HP
    © Tiu Makkonen
  • gloopshow_buzzcut_april2019-11_HP
    © Tiu Makkonen