Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Peter Pleyer: Visible Undercurrent – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25
Treffpunkt: Kasse/Box office
Performance, Installation Ticket
Talk Free admission
Theater, dance, music Ticket Premiere
Interactive performance Ticket Premiere
Interactive performance Ticket
Interactive performance Ticket
Interactive performance Ticket
Workshop Ticket

Peter Pleyer:
Visible Undercurrent

Peter Pleyer:
Visible Undercurrent
In English

Visible Undercurrent, the piece by Peter Pleyer traces the developments in dance and its dispersions in the 1980s and 90s into the present. A new generation of dancers and choreographers is now making its presence felt in Berlin, one which deserves to understand its history. Visible Undercurrent, with its dancers from Berlin and New York maps out the influences and pathways in the contemporary dance world, and shows how they are interwoven in personal stories, politics and history. During the rehearsal process the dancers are confronted with historical material and methods to explore physical and conceptual freedom, creating possibilities for little explored structures of choreographic practice. In dialogue with the past, lost inspirations and undercurrents have been rediscovered and made available for the future.

cONZEPT, CHOREOGRAphy Peter Pleyer with Asaf Aharonson, Marcio Canabarro, Mor Demer, Paul Singh cOSTuMe, SET Michiel Keuper SOUND Alessio Castellacci DRAMATURGy, REsearch Kirsten Maar productionmanagement Franziska Schrage support Cilgia Gadola

Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. A production by Peter Pleyer in coproduction with Sophiensæle. Supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V. and Sasha Waltz & Guests. Wir bedanken uns bei unserem Medienpartner taz.die tageszeitung.
