Rose Beermann: My Body is the Field for Tomorrow's Battles – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Rose Beermann:
My Body is the Field for Tomorrow's Battles

My Body is the Field for Tomorrow's Battles
In light of what's going on right now in the world, it seems paradoxical that a return to and into the body is taking place. As the last domain that still seems controllable, the body has become the battlefield for the conflicts that surround us. It is shaped and designed to become the ultimate weapon. Superhuman strength is just one of the skills we need to train to survive what is coming. Current fitness trends combine an extremely wide range of physical practices in order to achieve nothing less than being prepared for anything. What visions of the future, ideologies and role models are hidden behind this desire? An army of ultra-fit women who are prepared to deploy their bodies, but don't exactly know what for, will fight for answers to these questions on stage.
cONcEPT, direction Rose Beermann artistic collaboration Juli Reinartz by and with Lisen Ellard, Annegret Schalke, Melody Panosian, Lea Kieffer STAGE, COSTUME Arnita Jaunsubrēna SOUND DESIGN Malu Peeters LIGHT DESIGN ADVICE Dirk Lutz COMPANY MANAGEMENT ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro
Produced by Rose Beermann in co-production with Lofft – Das Theater and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Stadt Leipzig, Kulturamt: media partner: taz. die tageszeitung
photo © Stefanie Kulisch