Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Social Muscle Club: Social Bootcamp – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Social Muscle Club:
Social Bootcamp

Social Muscle Club:
Social Bootcamp
Geben + Nehmen
Suitable for English Speakers

Come on in! Welcome to the Social Muscle Club – EXTREME! A six-hour-long training session leaves lots of space for personal exchange. Instead of fitness machines and courses, the Social Muscle Club offers plenty of workouts for the social muscles like giving and taking, commitment, openness and authenticity. Take the magic of the club and spread it into your living rooms, share it with your partners, friends and neighbors. Together let us light the biggest and longest social muscle firework of all time!

BY AND WITH Richard Aslan, Claudia Basrawi, Knut Berger, Ronald Berger, Agathe Chion, Anna de Carlo, Rainer von Dziegielewski, Jill Emerson, Jared Gradinger, Chris Gylee, Steve Heather, Juli Reinartz, Liz Rosenfeld, Till Rothmund, Rahel Savoldelli, Judith Stößenreuter, Siegmar Zacharias and others

Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung

Photo © Anna de Carlo

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