Squart Berlin – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Squart Berlin

Tanztage invites all Berlin artists to make spontaneous queer art together! Join in and make it happen!
SQUART (Spontaneous Queer ART) is about exchanging ideas and working collaboratively. The participants are divided up into groups, each of which creates a piece in three hours, working from prompts. Subsequently, all pieces are performed on the same evening in the Festsaal and judged by a celebrity jury. (It will be a lot of fun!)
Keith Hennessy: “In SQUART you have to use improvisational strategies to survive, but it's actually about collective composition, which is really kind of amazing."
SQUART is an initiative of the choreographer Laura Arrington, who works as part of a new generation of primarily queer artists in San Francisco. She developed this community format, which celebrates a do-it-yourself spirit and integrates anyone interested. "It began out of a sincere desire to get people working together and to get ideas out," says Arrington about SQUART's origins. "I'm suspicious of how isolating working can be — with grants, residencies, artist statements, etc. — how everything is 'my project,' 'my work.' I think ideas get better the more they are bounced around, and that stripping away the traditional hierarchies is important.”
We are opening the Sophiensæle Festsaal for a collective happening and party to follow.
If you are interested in participating, please email SQUARTBERLIN@GMAIL.COM for all details!
photo © Bailey und Bailey