Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

FREISCHWIMMEN Festival – Sophiensæle | Freies Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25



Since 2004, FREISCHWIMMEN has accompanied around 90 artists and groups on their individual path from local establishment to international visibility and professionalization in the performing arts. In 2004, the platform initially started as a touring festival that offered young theater makers the opportunity to try out their own artistic concepts and present them to audiences in various cities.

Since then, the platform has been transformed several times and is currently supported by brut Wien, FFT Düsseldorf, Gessnerallee Zurich, HochX Munich, LOFFT - DAS THEATER Leipzig, Schwankhalle Bremen, Sophiensæle Berlin and Theater Rampe Stuttgart. Thanks to the network funding "Verbindungen fördern!", we have been able to offer process-oriented support for artists in several modules in recent years, such as residencies, production funding, LABs and guest performances, and enable power-critical work and reflection at the participating theatres. This funding is now coming to an end. FREISCHWIMMEN is therefore currently facing a further transformation.

But first we are celebrating our birthday - from April 25 to May 4, 2024 with a double festival of the independent performing arts 10 tage freischwimmen in Stuttgart.

With our FREISCHWIMMEN artists from the last funding round and numerous alumni of the network from the last 20 years:

Donya Ahmadifar, Caroline Creutzburg & René Alejandro Huari Mateus, Fräulein Wunder AG, Nadine Gerspacher, Gods' Entertainment, Nikita Gorbunov, Herbordt/Mohren, KOMA & Ko, Göksu Kunak, Markus&Markus, Rafi Martin, Yolanda Morales, Lulu Obermayer, Ceylan Öztrük, Laura Oppenhäuser, Ore Arts e.V., among others, Hendrik Quast, Milo Rau, Rotterdam Presenta, Sterna Pau, SZENE 2WEI, Lisa Thomas, Turbo Pascal, Alex Franz Zehetbauer, and others.

10 Tage Freischwimmen is a cooperation between the two festivals 6 TAGE FREI and FREISCHWIMMEN, organized by RAMPE. In cooperation with FREISCHWIMMEN, the production platform for performance and theater in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and Festivalfriends, the festival association of the independent performing arts in Germany. 6 TAGE FREI is made possible by the state capital Stuttgart, the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg (LaFT) with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the Lotto Foundation Baden-Württemberg. The FREISCHWIMMEN Festival 2024 is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and made possible by the City of Stuttgart and the Baden-Württemberg Foundation.

Flyer 20 years Freischwimmen