Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Eva Meyer-Keller: Some Significance – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Eva Meyer-Keller:
Some Significance

Eva Meyer-Keller:
Some Significance
Suitable for English Speakers

A balancing act between art and science: four female performers, equipped with a hodgepodge of everyday objects, subject themselves to a lively (re)staging of scientific models. The planetary atomic model whirls through the room in the form of stockings, apples and female bodies. The material and physical behind the abstraction are unveiled and reveal peculiar, hilariously absurd new meanings. An enjoyably pretentious experiment in the rearrangement and disorganization of that which we (believe) we (ought to) know.


Kunst trifft Wissenschaft: Gespräche aus dem Labor des Nicht-Wissens

GUESTS Alexander Carmele, Eva Meyer-Keller, Constanze Schellow

CONCEPT, PERFORMANCE Eva Meyer-Keller PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT Sheena McGrandles, Tamara Saphir, Annegret Schalke DRAMATURGY, TEXT Constanze Schellow SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION Alexander Carmele MUSIC Rico Lee LIGHT CONCEPT Annegret Schalke

A production by Eva Meyer-Keller in coproduction with PACT Zollverein and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund. Media partner: taz.die tageszeitung

EVA MEYER-KELLER studied choreography in Amsterdam and photography in Berlin and London. Her working method, even in the various constellations of her collaborative projects, always remains characterized by a constructive disregard for the genre boundaries between visual and performing arts. Her concern is to draw the attention of the observers to that which is actually always already there: to the small, often overlooked things. Her works create spaces where it is possible to notice what is intentionally or accidentally overlooked. Since 2017 she has been working on a series in engagement with models, processes and concepts from the natural sciences.

Tamara Saphir studied dance and theatre in Buenos Aires and Paris, where she also obtained a Master in philosophy. Since 2009, she lives and works in Berlin, where works as a performer, dramaturg and choreographic adviser with several independent companies and artists, such as Ariel Efraim Ashbel and friends, Constanza Macras//Dorkypark, Showcase Beat Le Mot, Santiago Blaum, Lola Arias, Dirk Cieslak//Lubricat co., and the queer activist reggaeton music band “Chocolate Remix”, a.o. In her own practice and collaborations there is a recurrent use and abuse of philosophical texts and references to the history of philosophy. Often, these texts make their way into the practice not only through their conceptual content but also through a certain fascination with how these concepts are “staged” in the texts themselves, or in the folklore that surrounds them.

ANNEGRET SCHALKE lives and works as a dancer/choreographer and lighting designer in Berlin. She has a degree in mathematics and completed her studies in dance, context, choreography at the HZT Berlin in 2013. As a dancer she has worked with Eva Meyer-Keller, Sheena McGrandles, Heiner Goebbels, Rose Beermann, Julian Weber, among others. She also creates lighting designs in the field of dance/performance, for example in collaborations with Enrico Ticconi & Ginevra Panzetti, with Michelle Moura and others. In 2015 she received a danceweb scholarship from the Impulstanzfestival Wien. Since 2014 she is part of the light/sound/video artist residencies Gangplank with Bruno Pocheron and others. She is co-founder of the choreographers' collective B A G.

Agata Siniarska works in the field of extended choreography. She places her practice between how we think about the world and how we move in it. It is a place where somatics and politics intersect - a place where body perception meets social engagement - between somatic and environmental landscapes, between human and non-human bodies. Agata’s present research explores the idea of an Anthropocene museum, multi-species archives in the time of extinction and various human and non-human alliances. 

© Katarina Markova