Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

h0chbegabt: VAMPIRE(N) | June 16 17 | SOPHIENSÆLE – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25


Film screening
In German with English subtitles


June 16 Artist Talk with Tucké Royale after the film screening 

h0chbegabt deal with social structures and translate them into humorous fantasy worlds. Their latest work, VAMPIRE(N), is a mockumentary about the casting and production process of the new vampire film “Vampires in the Dark”. The mockumentary portrays two potential protagonists – real vampires – and provides insight into their lives. We accompany the two and the beginning of their special friendship in the face of discrimination and prejudice.

In a screening of the film at nightfall, they invite us into the freedom of the night that belongs only to them, sharing their hope for a future in which vampires could fully be a part of society.

If any questions remain from the following information, please feel free to contact Hannah Aldinger at or 030 27 89 00 35. Please note that details may change by the day of the event.


  • 30 minutes


  • German spoken language
  • English subtitles


The film screening will take place in the Sophiensaele courtyard.


  • The lighting situation in the film is rather dark.


  • Stools in front of the screen in the Sophiensaele courtyard
  • 2 beanbag seats available
  • wheelchair seats available
  • There will be a follow-up discussion after the film screening on 16 June.

Early boarding

The courtyard is already open to the public before the film screening.


  • Free admission to the film screening.

You can also find more information about accessibility at the house here.

TEXT, PRODUCTION, DIRECTION Anne Mieke Eigner, Oska Melina Borcherding CAMERA Smina Bluth SOUND Rozenn Lièvre, Birte Gerstenkorn, Viktor Schimpf SOUNDDESIGN Rozenn Lièvre EDITING Oska Melina Borcherding COLOURGRADING Tobias Schütze, Smina Bluth COSTUME Anna-Maria Dworaczyk CAMERA ASSISTANT Mÿ Ewen, Nina Villegas Benítez OUTSIDE-EYE, DRIVER, ALLROUNDSUPPORT David Simon CAST Anne Mieke Eigner (Vampir A), Oska Melina Borcherding (Vampir B), Richard Gonlag  (Vincent Finner), Christina Berger (Casterin), David Simon (Executive Producer), Kristina Maca (Barvampir), Vincent Heppner (Security), Nina Wyss, Diana Ebert, Alexandra Weis & Josephine Boog (Casting participants)

A production by h0chbegabt in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE within the frame of Leisure & Pleasure, supported by the Capital Cultural Fund. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR. With the kind support of Schurken an der Yorckstraße. Media partners: Arts of the Working Class, Berlin Art Link, Kulturplakatierung, Missy Magazine, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz.die tageszeitung. 

ANNE MIEKE EIGNER completed her acting studies at the Zurich University of the Arts in 2017. During her studies she performed in various productions at the Schauspielhaus Zurich, where she worked with Zino Wey, René Pollesch and Stefan Kimmig, among others. Guest engagements followed at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, the HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin and the Staatstheater Wiesbaden, among others. Anne M. Eigner lives as a freelance actress in Berlin. Here she also works for the rights of sex workers at Hydra e.V.

OSKA MELINA BORCHERDING is a German-Greek actor. After studying acting at the HMTM Hannover, he worked for three years at the Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin. In addition to his work as an actor, he develops projects in film and dance. In 2018, he realized the multi-award-winning documentary film Jajá (2019). Starting in the winter semester of 2023, he will study choreography at HZT Berlin. Oska is part of this year's mentoring program "re:balance" of the Rudolf Augstein Foundation.

As h0chbegabt, they deal with social structures and translate them into humorous fantasy worlds in order to process their own experiences of discrimination and make their world of experience more comprehensible for a broad audience. In doing so, they speak from a trans-nonbinary and sex worker perspective. Their collaboration has already resulted in two short films and the concept for VAMPIRE(N).

  • Vampire(n)_Screenshot
    © Smina Bluth
  • Vampire(n)_© Smina Bluth_1jpg
    © Smina Bluth
  • Vampire(n)_© Smina Bluth
    © Smina Bluth