Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

ICIC2024: Staging Intimacy – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

ICIC2024: Staging Intimacy

ICIC2024: Staging Intimacy

The conference day „Staging Intimacy“ deals with the relationship between the emerging professional field of „intimacy coordination“ (in the field of film) and the fields of dance, performance, musical and speech theatre. From the perspective of institutionalised theatre structures, the question is often asked „Intimacy coordination – do we even need such a thing?“. On 17 February, we will take a serious look at this question: First, various ICs will face direct questions from Mateusz Szymanówka. Everything you always wanted to know about IC but never dared to ask will find its place here.
Afterwards, we will open the room for two discussion rounds: On the one hand, we will discuss the structural change towards consent-based practices in the work settings of the performing arts. On the other hand, we will approach the associated aesthetic questions of simulated realism in representations of intimacy and sex as well as the artistic search for transgression. How is boundary-conscious and consensus-orientated work compatible with artistic striving for states outside the norm and expectation?

We are very excited that we were able to win Kaya Kolodziejczyk and André Uerba for a talk about Intimacy in Dance contexts, who are giving us insights into their latest productions and as a second case study, Yana Ross and Kasia Szustow in relation to their production "Kurze Interviews mit fiesen Männern - 22 Arten der Einsamkeit", which premiered already in 2021 at the Schauspielhaus Zürich.

The ICIC is a conference organised on a voluntary basis on the topic of intimacy coordination. The programme of 17.02. is an offer for the scene and an invitation to exchange ideas. The conference language is English. As we do not have any financial resources available for this day, we cannot afford the following measures: There will be no translation into German. There will also be no translation into DGS or BSL.

The “canteen” in the sophiensaele is on the ground floor and therefore accessible at ground level and wheelchair-friendly. Alternative seating (bean bags) will be provided.

12:00 Intro
12:13 – 13:15 What is IC? Interview with Intimacy Coordinators and Intimacy Directors
13:30 – 15:00 Into the Structures and Institutions 
15:30 – 16:15 Encounters Beyond Reality: Case Study 1 – Intimacy and Dance
16:30 – 17:15 Encounters Beyond Reality:Case Study 2 – Intimacy and Sprechtheater
17:30 – 18:30 Collective Reflection and Closure


More about ICIC 2024
