Monster Truck: Made for Love – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Monster Truck:
Made for Love
Made for Love
Made for Love tells the love story between a shampoo bottle and a carton of milk. What’s left in the world when mankind has disappeared? It will just be the system of things and our left behind feelings and customs – love and hate, sex and violence. In a provocative way Monster Truck will stage the outer and inner life of things as a lonely circular dance made up of a fetish for consumption and self-gratification.
By and with Monster Truck, Lars Ennsen, Bastian Hagedorn, Nina Malotta, Mark Schröppel, Sylvia Sobottka, Felix-Florian Tödtloff COMPANY MANAGEMENT ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro
A production by Monster Truck in coproduction with FAVORITEN 2016, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, the Kunststiftung NRW, the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung
Photo © Vladimir Wegener