Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Moritz Majce + Sandra Man: Festung/Europa – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Moritz Majce + Sandra Man:

Moritz Majce + Sandra Man:
Suitable for Non-German Speakers

Die Festung – (the fortress) – a symbol of protection and strength, public exhibition and self-perception of a Europe made up of borders. At the intersection of visual arts and performance arts, Moritz Majce and Sandra Man make a fortress emerge. A 28-person choir becomes a mobile stage, which surrounds the audience completely.  What does it mean to become a fort within a fortress? What is hidden from view and what determines our image – of theater, of Europe?   


IDEa, realization Moritz Majce, Sandra Man SOUND Philipp Danzeisen LIght-design Fabian Eichner construction Robert Grap, Bea Gernert, Christian Wahle head of production Wanja Saatkamp Pr björn & björn with Claudia Albrecht, Charlotte Saphire Alten, Christine Börsch-Supan, Sharon Cohen, Lisa Diringer, Alexander Fend, Josephine Findeisen, Karoline Fritz, Lena Gebhardt, Serena Gregorio, Nelly Hakkarainen, Renen Itzhaki, Christiane Kampwirth, Olivia-Patrizia Kunze, Enrico L´Abbate, Stella Maxeiner, Molly McDowell, Nina Olczak, Irene Pascual, Johanna Pollet, Jolika Poulopoulou, Ilana Reynolds, Philippe Rives, Nadja Saleh, Laura Söllner, Jasminka Stenz, Lisa Stertz, Adriana Thiel, Andreas Uehlein, Ole Xylander, Alexandra Zoe, Marie S. Zwinzscher VIDEO Claudia Albrecht, Charlotte Saphire Alten, Christos Anastasopoulos, Betty Athanasiadou, Ioannis Avakoumidis, Wendeline Blazejewski, Christine Börsch-Suppan, Charlotte Engelbert, Alexander Fend, Katharina Försch, Serena Gregorio, Nelly Hakkarainen, Eckhard Ischebeck, Ljudmila Kartoshkina, Olivia P. Kunze, Molly McDowell, Irene Pascual, Johanna Pollet, Juliette Rahon, Nadja Saleh, Gabi Schwab, Annika Stadler, Andreas Uehlein, Verena Wilhelm, Alexandra Zoe, Marie S. Zwinzscher cAMERA Sabine Panossian.

Produced by Moritz Majce and Sandra Man, funded by Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Kunstsektion. media partner: Jungle World, taz.die tageszeitung

photo © Majce/Man
