Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Nuray Demir: Nurays Tränenbar | June 29 30 + JULY 01 | SOPHIENSÆLE – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Nuray Demir:
Nurays Tränenbar

Nuray Demir:
Nurays Tränenbar
In German

June 29 20.00-22.00 with Melmun Bajarchuu
June 30 20.00-22.00 with Aidan Riebensahm
July 01 16.00-18.00 with Emrah Gökmen

There are many good reasons to be in a bad mood. But where to put the tears in a society where toxic positivity is so present? Although crying helps and is healthy, tears are often not welcome. In the Leisure Garden of Sophiensæle, a temporary island of the unblessed is being created. Nuray Demir invites to bar-chat conversations about loss, death, collective melancholy, and resistance. Nurays Tränenbar: Here not only may the alcohol flow abundantly, but also the tears. Come as you are and feel free to bring a bad mood!

A project by Nuray Demir with Melmun Bajarchuu, Aidan Riebensahm and Emrah Gökmen

A production by Nuray Demir in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE within the frame of Leisure & Pleasure, supported by the Capital Cultural Fund. Media partners: Arts of the Working Class, Berlin Art Link, Kulturplakatierung, Missy Magazine, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz.die tageszeitung. 

Nuray Demir is an artist and curator. Her practice is characterized by a research-based and radically transdisciplinary approach. For her projects she works collaboratively with people from different fields with whom she forms temporary ensembles. Currently Demir is artist-in-residence at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. She has realized projects at various institutions, such as the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, and Wiener Festwochen. She also brings her approaches to teaching, for example at the Berlin University of the Arts.

© Jan Grygoriew