Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte

Turbo Pascal: Algorithmen – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25

Turbo Pascal:

Turbo Pascal:
Auf Deutsch - in German

The modern human is constantly judged, categorized and sorted out according to their lifestyle, their consumption and social behavior. Each of us already exists as a profile made up of applicable algorithmic data records. In Algorithmen, Turbo Pascal drags this logicout of the darkness of the data processing centers and into the stage light – the result is an audience processor:  comparison and pattern recognition, classifications, selections and decisions – the basic algorithmic components incessantly make the performers and audience into objects and witnesses of various sorting procedures.

BY Bettina Grahs, Friedrich Greiling, Frank Oberhäußer, Margret Schütz, Georg Werner DRAMATURGY Angela Löer SET DESIGN Gabriele Vöhringer MUSIC Friedrich Greiling ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Christina Ostrowski ASSISTANT SET DESIGN Stephanie Traut

Produced by Turbo Pascal in coproduction with SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds. 

Special thanks to our media partner taz.die tageszeitung.

Turbo Pascal develops interactive performances that turn the theater into a meeting and negotiation space for social processes, dynamics and utopias. The collective also realizes participatory projects with citizens who, due to their biographies, bring contradictory perspectives into play and conceives formats for discussions and encounters. The collective works continuously with the Sophiensæle, Theater an der Parkaue and Bürger:Bühne am Staatsschauspiel Dresden. Performances have been invited to numerous festivals in German-speaking countries (including Impulse Theater Festival, Politik im Freien Theater). Turbo Pascal was awarded the George Tabori Prize in 2018.

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