Sophiensæle Sophiensæle

Christoph Winkler: Five Studies on Post-Colonialism – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 25/26
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Hands-On-Talk Free admission
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Dance theatre Ticket Premiere
Start: Kasse/Box office
Dance theatre Ticket
Dance theatre Ticket
Tanztheater für junges Publikum Ticket
Dance theatre Ticket
Get together Free admission
Start: Kasse/Box office
Dance, Performance Ticket
Talkshow, Performance Ticket
Dance, Performance Ticket
Talkshow, Performance Ticket
Concert performance & musical theatre Ticket
Concert performance & musical theatre Ticket

Christoph Winkler:
Five Studies on Post-Colonialism

Christoph Winkler:
Five Studies on Post-Colonialism
Suitable for Non-German Speakers

A series of five short choreographies highlight white hegemony in a genre which is actually lauded for its internationality. Yet post-colonial structures are also complex and often not recognizable in contemporary dance at first glance. Why is there so much talk about Contemporary African dance but never about Contemporary European dance? Tacitly the Western concept has been declared the norm and this shows that even contemporary dance is marked by dominance and privilege, which place the white experience into the foreground.

TANZSCOUT | December 07 | 17.30 – 18.30 | 5 EURO

with Amelie Mallmann, Ahmed Soura + Dominique Rosales


TUESDAY 6/12. Study 1-5

(Naishi Wang // Ahmed Soura + Dominique Rosales // Raha Nejad // Aloalii Tapu // Ahmed Soura + Naishi Wang)

WEDNESDAY 7/12. Study 1-3

(Naishi Wang // Ahmed Soura + Dominique Rosales // Raha Nejad)

THURSDAY 8/12. Study 4-5

(Aloalii Tapu // Ahmed Soura + Naishi Wang)

FREITAG 9/12. Study 1-3

(Naishi Wang // Ahmed Soura + Dominique Rosales // Raha Nejad)

SATURDAY 10/12. Study 4-5

(Aloalii Tapu//Ahmed Soura + Naishi Wang)


STUDY 1 Can asians dance? mit Naishi Wang

STUDY 2 Seeing Alvin Ailey mit Dominique Rosales & Ahmed Soura

STUDY 3 Persian Hair mit Raha Nejad

STUDY 4 Dancing Like a White Guy – The Goldberg Variations mit Aloalii Tapu

STUDY 5 The Lion and The Dragon mit Naishi Wang + Ahmed Soura

CONZEPT, CHOREOGRAPHY Christoph Winkler DANCE, CHOREOGRAPHY  Raha Nejad, Dominique Rosales, Ahmed Soura, Aloalii Tapu, Naishi Wang EQUIPMENT Lena Mody, Valentina Primavera TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT Martin Pilz PRODUCTION DRAMATURGY ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro

A project by Christoph Winkler in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE and Monsuntheater Hamburg. Funded by Fonds of the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs as well as the National Performance Network (NPN). Co-production funding by the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Culture and on decision of the German Bundestag. Media partner: taz.die tageszeitung.

Photo © Christoph Winkler

CHRISTOPH WINKLER has created more than 78 dance pieces as a freelance artist since 1998 and is considered one of the most versatile choreographers in Germany. In 2014 Das Wahre Gesicht won the FAUST Prize of the German Stage Association in the category Best Choreography. In 2016 Aloalii Tapu was awarded as Best Dancer for the Christoph Winkler production Urban Sou Café. 2020 Christoph Winkler was awarded a George Tabori Award. His work covers a wide range of formats and ranges from very personal to political issues. Since 2009 he has been realizing works at the Sophiensæle, including the dance fund Erbe-Projekt Abendliche Tänze (2014) and Golden Stars on blue - a sonic Tableau (2015). In 2016 he curated the Witch Dance Project in collaboration with the Sophiensælen. The same year he showed Five Studies On Post-Colonialism (2016) and most recently the project Speak Boldly - The Julius Eastman Dance Project (2018).
