Florentina Holzinger + Vincent Riebeek: Schönheitsabend – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Florentina Holzinger + Vincent Riebeek:
With their performance trilogy about contemporary body images – of which both Wellness and Spirit were presented at the Sophiensæle – Florentina Holzinger and Vincent Riebeek have become fixtures of the European theater scene. With the material they found in the Julius-Hans-Spiegel-Zentrum they created a ballet in three acts called Schönheitsabend. It looks at queer dance couples of Modern Dance that re-invented dance (and themselves) through exotic fictions and sought for beauty, truth and harmony in the midst of the modern world. In performers such as Vaslav Nijinsky and Ida Rubinstein or Anita Berber and Sebastian Droste, Florentina Holzinger and Vincent Riebeek found predecessors of their own aesthetics: new concepts of beauty, no distance to popular entertainment and a presence of madness, ecstasy and explicit eroticism.
TICKETS The purchase of a ticket for Schönheitsabend or Fremde Tänze allows the reduced admission of 3€ to the archive works and films at the box office.
BY AND WITH Florentina Holzinger, Vincent Riebeek LIGHT, TECHNICAL DIRECTION Anne Meeussen DRAMATURGY Eike Wittrock OUTSIDE EYE Renée Copraij BACKGROUND-GRAPHIC Joeri Woudstra SHÉHÉRAZADE-COSTUMES Valerie Hellebaut
A production of CAMPO Gent, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt/Main and Julius-Hans-Spiegel-Zentrum/Theater Freiburg in coproduction with Internationales Sommerfestival Hamburg, ImPulsTanz Wien, Spring Utrecht and SOPHIENSÆLE. Supported by TANZFONDS ERBE – an initiative of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes und BesteBuren.
Fotos © Karolina Wiernik