Johanne Castillo Bro + Claudia Garbe: Außer mir – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Johanne Castillo Bro + Claudia Garbe:
Außer mir
Außer mir
Who am I? Where do I come from? What do I look like? What can I do? What am I interested in? What do I love? What’s special about me? How do I move? I often have trouble feeling comfortable with myself. I’m not really sure who I am, how I want to be and how others perceive me. I am quickly influenced by my friends, my idols or my family. Sometimes I realize what I have in common with others, and sometimes I see how different I am.
Between that what shapes us and that what makes us unique and that which connects us to other people, we find our identities. Through language but most of all our gestures, movements and in dance we are in constant exchange with our surroundings: in Außer mir we discover through dance the uniqueness and commonality in each one of us.
BY AND WITH Maryam Abassi, Zara-Hazal Alpar, Valeria Cerron, Natalia Foti, Karolina Gogos, Angela Pechipaykoska, Meltem Plath, Sara Polusinova, Pailin Röseler, Iman Saleh, Nancy Santiyakul ARTISTIC DIRECTION Johanne Castillo Bro, Claudia Garbe MIS-EN-SCÈNE Ingolf Watzlaw VOLONTARY GUIDANCE Alessandra Lola Agostini PROJECT MANAGEMENT Gesa Rindermann COORDINATION AT SCHOOL Katharina Zehner GUEST TEACHERS Raphael Hillebrand, Jiří Bartovanec, Jörg Hassmann
A project by so.phil.freunde e. V. in cooperation with SOPHIENSÆLE, 10. ISS Steglitz-Zehlendorf and Uferstudios Berlin. Funded by ChanceTanz, a project of Bundesverband Tanz in Schulen e.V. in the scope of the program „Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung“ of the BMBF.
photos © Johanne Castillo Bro, Gesa Rindermann