Martin Nachbar: Thingamajig – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Martin Nachbar:
How is the theatrical experience created? For performers and the audience alike, physical activity and exertion are requirements. Based on this theory, Thingamajig sets out to examine the interplay between the movements of sitting and watching, together with the working body in motion. A choreography emerges, in which observing is considered participation and where the dancers are set in motion by the resistance and overlapping between dance and work. At the end both the performers and audience will leave the theater as if it would have been the oeuvre itself.
artistic direction Martin Nachbar dance, choreografy Philipp Enders, Coralie Meinguet, Benjamin Pohlig, Jochen Roller, Sunniva Vikør Egenes COACHING Jan Burkhardt DRAMATURGY Valto Kuuluvaineny MUSIc Boris Hauf LIght Bruno Pocheron costumes Marion Montel compaNy management Susanne Beyer PRODUction assistence Dino Spiri
A production by Martin Nachbar in coproduction with SOPHIENSAELE. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, der Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten and Kunststiftung NRW. In coopertaion with Dock 11/Eden and Uferstudios. Mediapartner: taz.die tageszeitung.