Paula Rosolen: Aerobics! - Ein Ballett in 3 Akten – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin
Paula Rosolen:
Aerobics! - Ein Ballett in 3 Akten
Aerobics! - Ein Ballett in 3 Akten
Aerobics! A ballet in 3 acts, a piece for 7 dancers, develops a new perspective on aerobics, a a sport and physical training practice that conquered the world in the 1980s. During the three-acts structure, dancers investigate the relationship of dance, choreography and aerobics from its aesthetics and coordinated movements. The piece develops a precise study and reinterpretation of the subsurface structure of this fitness practice. The aerobic movement vocabulary is brought in an unusual structural and spatial relationship, disassembled and put back together. It will be treated as dance material for choreography, applying a dramaturgical line and content for the development of movements and changes of rhythm.
CONCEPT, CHOREOGRAPHY Paula Rosolen DEVELOPED WITH AND DANCED BY Jungyun Bae, Teresa Forstreuter/Sanna Lundström, Gabriela Gobbi, Christopher Matthews, Marko Milic, Sabine Prokop, Paula Rosolen LIGHT DESIGN, TECHNICAL DIRECTION Tanja Rühl COSTUMES Juan M. Morales, Anika Alischewski, Takako SendaARTISTIC ADVICE Juan M. Morales DRAMATURGICAL ADVICE Anna Wagner, Marcus Droß CHOREOGRAPHICAL ASSISTANCE Christopher Matthews Assistance Research David Morrow TRAINER Berchy da Silva, Henrik Goehle MANAGEMENT Jana Lüthje (M.i.C.A. – Movement in Contemporary Art), Haptic Hide PR Kathrin Schäfer KulturPR
A production by Paula Rosolen / Haptic Hide and M.i.C.A in co-production with Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Musée de la Danse/Centre chorégraphique national Renne and Bretagne, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, FondsTransfabrik – Deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste, Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main and Hessisches Ministerium für Kunst und Medien. Awarded with the first prize in the competition „Danse Élargie“ organisized by Thêatre de la Ville Paris and Musée de la Danse Rennes in June 2014. Special thanks to: Miriam Würtz, David Morrow, Jeff Friedman
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