Popping for Parkinson's – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket Premiere
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Dance, Performance Ticket Premiere

Popping for Parkinson's

Popping for Parkinson's
Auf Deutsch - in German

Since 2016 Lucky Trimmer has been awarding the Lucky Changemaker promotional prize to artistic projects which are socially engaged. This year one of the 2016 prize-winners, Simone Sistarelli, will be offering the two-part workshop Popping for Parkinson’s. The workshop will use the successful dance style of popping as a therapy for people suffering from Parkinson’s. The conscious contraction of muscles enables better physical mobility and control. This free workshop is open to all those with Parkinson’s, their partners or chaperones, to dancers and dance teachers and all those interested.

Please register in advance at florence@luckytrimmer.com.
