Rat für die Künste: Vollversammlung + Wahl – Sophiensæle | Independent Theater in Berlin

Saison 24/25
Dance Ticket Premiere
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket Premiere
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Performance Ticket
Dance, Performance Ticket Premiere

Rat für die Künste:
Vollversammlung + Wahl

Rat für die Künste:
Vollversammlung + Wahl
Auf Deutsch - in German

The Council for the Arts is a strong, independent voice for culture in Berlin and is valued as a counselor in political spheres. Members of the council represent Berlin’s multifaceted cultural fields and every two years a new council is elected. All of Berlin’s creative artists are gladly welcome to take part in the public plenary meeting and to elect a new council. Call for votes and further information under:

