Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte
Saison 24/25
Dance Ticket Premiere
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Dance theater Ticket Premiere
Dance theater Ticket
Dance theater Ticket
Dance theater Ticket
Start: Zur letzten Instanz (Waisenstraße 14-16, 10179 Berlin)
Performative walk Ticket
Tanz Ticket Premiere

Angela Alves:
NEW TECHNIQUES III: Residency Showing

Angela Alves:
NEW TECHNIQUES III: Residency Showing
In English with simultaneous translation into German spoken language and German sign language (DGS)


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As part of the Sophiensæle residency program New Techniques, we invite you to a third online showing: On November 23, Angela Alves and Perel will provide insight into their artistic research Embodiment of Passion on the topic of "Lustful Embodiments" in a conversation with dance dramaturge Mateusz Szymanówka.

How can we work while sick and stay healthy? For chronically ill people, this question is at the center of their thinking, feeling and acting. Self-care is therefore the starting point for Angela Alves to re-organize dance and artistic practice. During the residency, she explored self-care strategies that calm, protect or positively stimulate the human nervous system, looking for transmissions into dance (crip technique). 
Inspired by the pleasure principle of neuronal activity, she developed a nerve-protecting movement practice, which she tried out and reflected on together with the artist Perel. Alves also explored the extent to which pleasurable embodiments in dance have to do with imagination, visualization and identification together with Perel, who contributes his expertise on the Skinner Releasing Technique to the research, as well as with Myriam Lucas, Laura Lulika, Ania Nowak and Sabine Schadow, who deal with the topic from a political and somatic perspective.

With the residency program NEW TECHNIQUES, Sophiensæle aims to support dance makers who have not yet benefited from structural support. Until the end of 2021, every half-year one choreographer will participate in the residency with their artistic team for one month. In November/December 2020 Rodrigo Garcia Alves and Liz Rosenfeld explored questions of dying and queer care; in March 2021 T.Will has been researching the construction of black melancholia. Sophiensæle is among nine Berlin production houses participating in Residency Funding Dance, the pilot project of the Berlin's Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

The residency program NEW TECHNIQUES is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe as part of the pilot project Residenzförderung Tanz.

Angela Alves lives as a choreographer in Berlin and identifies as a crip artist. Her artistic practice focuses on political dimensions of the unavailable body and explores its transformative potency in classist and ableist pre-structured spaces. Alves translates access into performative formats and questions perceptions of “healthy” and “sick”. She studied dance at ArtEZ (NL) and dance theory at Freie Universität Berlin.
