Sophienstrasse 18
10178 Berlin-Mitte
Saison 24/25
Dance Ticket Premiere
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Dance Ticket
Dance theater Ticket Premiere
Dance theater Ticket
Dance theater Ticket
Dance theater Ticket
Start: Zur letzten Instanz (Waisenstraße 14-16, 10179 Berlin)
Performative walk Ticket
Tanz Ticket Premiere

The other eye / Germany versus Norway

The other eye / Germany versus Norway

The book documents a series of events, at which German and Norwegian playwrights, academics, critics and educators discussed theatrical practices in both countries. In the publication, authors such as Heiner Goebbels, Christel Weiler and Thomas Irmer comment on director’s theatre, acting methods, education and discourse.

The four part series was initiated in 2012 by the Norwegian embassy to accompany the increased artistic exchange between the two countries – Germany is one of the largest markets for Norwegian performing arts. At the Ibsen Festival in Oslo in 2012, participants such as Helgard Haug and Herbert Fritsch debated the similarities, differences and exchanges between German and Norwegian theatrical styles on the basis of Ibsen productions. In Bergen in 2013, the debate centred on the question how much the artistic conception, methodologies, contents and structure of theatrical training and education influence contemporary theatre aesthetics. During the 2013 Nordwind Festival Lars Eidinger and Heiner Goebbels among others debated the evolving position of the actor, aesthetically as well as in terms of living and working conditions. During the Mülheimer Stücketage 2014 the new artistic and social conditions of the dramaturge took centre stage.

The publication takes the conclusions that were reached during the events and uses these to formulate its core themes: which interactions, similarities and differences are there in the theatrical history and traditions of the two countries? Which roles to directors, actors and authors play in the artistic process? How do education and training influence praxis and intellectual discourse? And what are the differences in the roles of academics, theatre producers and the media in the public discourse on theatre in both countries?
During the book presentation in the Sophiensæle, the authors and publishers will address the questions anew and discuss these with the audience.

An anthology by Performing Arts Hub Norway, Supported by The Norwegian Embassy in Berlin.
